Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Our Little Buckaroo

Well he's finally 1!! The big one year old had a wonderful birthday :) He turned one last Wednesday and we had a small mini-party with family and Jessica (because well she's pretty much family haha). We headed out to Sonny's bbq because Jackson loves their chicken and ate dinner there, and then headed back to our house for some cupcakes. This was Jackson's first try at cupcakes and honestly..haha he wasn't too sure. I kept in mind though that it was late so maybe he was sleepy? Either way, after a few bites, he was done. :) Then we did gifts and Jackson got some new books and his favorite: a new ride on toy! He hasn't yet mastered how to ride on it yet, but he loves pushing it all over the house.

Then Sunday we had a small party with close friends and family. I chose to do a country/cowboy theme mostly because I thought it was absolutely precious! We had some amazing friends offer to do SO much. Our close friends Lisa and Marcus offered to make invitations and our birthday banner. They came out perfect and I told them they need to move into that buisness :)

Leah and Jessica offered to make cake, so J had 2 pretty much professional cakes for his party! Which were both delicious I might add :)

And Marcus also took pictures for us because well we all know how I am with taking pictures :) It went so smoothly and J had a fun time playing with his friends. I was sad though, because we weren't able to invite alot of his playgroup and mom's group friends :( We missed them alot, but I didn't want J to be overwhelmed and the size of our house just wouldn't allow it. For his next birthday though, we're going to do a big party in the park! Yes, I've already thought about it :)

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