Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Baby's First Flight!

This past weekend we were blessed to be able to visit Richmond, V.A. and be a part of Sam's sister's wedding! VA is absolutely gorgeous and the weather was incredible....everyday cept Kat's wedding day of course in which ithailed. Yes..hailed as in nickel sized ice balls from the sky. Anywho...it was beautiful and fun. We saw grass (yes, REAL grass!) and got a chance to be away for it all for awhile.

First of all, I always get nervous before I fly. Usually it's because I want to make sure we get all our luggage and carry ons assembled, that we are on time and of course that our plane arrives safely. This time around I was nervous that somewhere over South Carolina my 11 month old would have an inconsolable meltdown with 40 mins left in the air. So I packed accordingly. Both carry ons were filled with new toys and books, and we toted a lunchbag with 3 meals 2 snacks and countless bottles. Sam and I being the novice parents that we are had purchased tickets with connecting flights each way. Yes...thats right connecting flights. And before you get out the "I told you so" comments...Jackson did AMAZING. He had a complete blast and made friends with every stewardess, and neighboring passenger on the plane. The only hiccup was some squealing on the second connecting flight home which Sam and I remedied with a constant goldfish in his mouth :) So proud of my little man once again.

Once we arrived, our schedules were jam packed full of wedding festivites. Having Jackson off his schedule was a little difficult for all of us, but he pulled through pretty well and only had a meltdown during the rehersal dinner in which we had to scoot out early to put him down way past his normal 8:00 bedtime. The day of the rehersal we even got a chance to play in the park some. :) Even Aunt Katie and Uncle Billy got to play too :)

The wedding day was a murky one, with tornadoes and hail but Katie really shined! She made the best of it and we just moved the wedding indoors. Her colors were red and black and she and Mike were introduced with Dropkick Murphy's in the background. Defintely very her :) I love Katie so much. It's amazing how you can have a sister who is exactly like you and exactly different at the same time. Either way I am so thankful we were able to visit her and see her get married. Best wishes to her and her new husband Mike!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! It wouldn't have been as wonderful without you!
