Friday, April 8, 2011

Thoughts on sand

Thursdays have always been a tougher day for us. It could be because the week has worn on us, or maybe the promise of Friday is right on the horizon. Either way, the minute Sam walked in the door last night, we decided to pack up our things and head to the beach for some great quality time. It's amazing what an evening "away" can do for you and your family!

So, it's no question that Jackson is growing up so fast. Each day I see more of his personality begin to emerge and I LOVE it. He is Curious. Yes, with a capital C. He is FILLED with wonder. Everything fascinates him. Last night it was the wind, the sand, the waves, the birds the shells, his fingers and toes...and the list goes on. He had to touch, see, hear, and yes even taste (haha!) everything. :) Watching him be so enamoured with everything inspires me.

In Psalm 139 it says The Lord has fearfully and wonderfully made us. To be honest, I'm not 100% sure what fearfully made means, but as of late, I am beginning to understand what wonderfully made really means. Our amazing Pastor spoke on this very topic during Christmastime. About how often children wonder and this amazing hunger of wonder teaches them so much. That wonder leads to wisdom. He spoke of how as we get older many of us explore less and less, and ask someone else and "google it." And in getting our information secondhand we begin to lose that wonder. I believe we were created to explore and experiment. I think we really are wonderfully made.

Seeing Jackson explore the sand with his fingers and crunch it his hands was a great reminder. We decided to get down in the sand with him and build, bury and write in it. It's amazing how much you can learn from an 11 month old. :)

With Love, Sarah

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