Wednesday, April 6, 2011

To blog or not to blog?

Normally I am aganist all things technology. Or perhaps I should say, all things technology are against me. I never figure out how to find anything online, load anything up and forget using a smart phone. But lately I've really enjoyed reading other people's blogs (which I can only find when someone gives me the direct link...ha) so I figured I would enjoy writing my own. Therefore family and friends can get a glimpse into my world and follow the most popular Wood family member: Jackson. Although I enjoy writing, I wouldn't say I have a God given gift for it, so thanks in advance for using grace and discretion when reading. I hope you enjoy reading mine, as much as I've enjoyed reading all of yours :) With love- Sarah :)


  1. I'm glad you're doing this! I love you and I miss you and your awesome hubby and your adorable little boy!! :)

  2. Welcome to the blog world :) I have a food blog :)
