Saturday, April 23, 2011

Recent Thoughts

So for the past few days, I felt like I should write something Easter-y in my blog to: 1. reflect on Jesus' love for us. 2. to talk about my faith and express my love for Jesus.

As per normal, I can't think to write anything and I definitely don't want to write preachy because well, I am horrible at it, I'm no smarter than anyone else and well 9 times out of 10 people hate it :) So....

Here's random recent reflections that I've been blessed with as of late :)

* "I am leaving you with a gift-peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid." -Jesus, This is proof that I really should stop worrying.
* I've found a new respect for Jesus' mother lately. I can't imagine watching my innocent son persecuted his entire life and for his life to end so dramatically. Savior or not, he was still her baby boy.
* So being a Christian, I realize God really wants me to love alot more...and I need to work on that majorly...specially when someone cuts me off in traffic :)
* He really is good. So good in fact that he gives me so much that I don't deserve, and it keeps on coming. We are on one income and somehow are lacking for absolutely nothing. That is beyond ridiculous!! Am I bragging? NO. Only boasting in Christ and his ability to create everything from absolutely nothing.
* Missing church really hard for me. I've heard people say that "they don't need a building to worship God" which is absolutely true. But the church isn't a building, it's people. And lemme tell you, not going for a few weeks really makes me dull! Iron sharpens iron. I can't wait to go back this Sunday :)
* Praying for Jackson can be overwhelming. Haha. I pray for his future, his present, his life, his health, his walk, his everyday life and the list goes on....Thus I've decided to pray for one thing each day. :) Again, thanks God for the order you bring to everything :)
* Joy comes from the Lord.
* He speaks to us everyday. Everytime I ask him for direction, guidance or even a random question like "where on earth is my cell phone" he answers. People laugh at me, but if anyone knows where my cell phone is, I believe he does.
* He is living. I've often heard this is a time to remember. Yes, remember the events that happened, but he is just as much alive and living now as he always was. Thankful for that :)

So despite me wanting to write something Easter-y I definitely think I failed. But Jesus isn't just Easter-y, he's there all the time. Or I guess I should say, all the time we are there, and able to reach out to him and speak to him and walk with him. He's always been there.

We know what real love is because Jesus gave up his life for us.... 1 John 3:16

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