Monday, April 25, 2011

He is Risen!

What a weekend!

Saturday we headed to an Egg hunt at Viera High School with a few of Jackson's friends. He loved it, although didn't understand the concept of putting eggs in the basket, and instead just shook them :)

This Easter, I decided that instead of doing the normal rat race, I would cook Easter dinner and have both sides of the family to our house :) We had a wonderful time! In the morning Sam and I headed to church with J and my Dad came over to hide Easter eggs and do his 27th annual Easter egg scavenger hunt :) Each year he would leave an empty basket with a note on the dining room table, and my sister and I would follow notes from one place to another. It was an absolute blast and I would LOVE going from place to place. This year we carried on the tradition by doing it for Jackson. SO fun. However I'm still waiting on the pictures from it from Dad :)

After the egg hunt, and dinner Jackson was WORN OUT but too wound up to fall asleep so Sam and I headed out for a wonderful family walk. And then it hit me. I never take pictures. EVER. I didn't get a family shot, I didn't get a shot of my first ham....NOTHING. I promise to get better at this. I've never been one of those people to take pictures while life is happening...I always just participate in it. However then I never have them to look back on. So I've decided that however annoying it is, I really need to stop and take pictures. Loads of em.

Either way, I hope you all had a wonderful Easter with your family and took time to stop and reflect on Jesus' sacrifice for us. He is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed!

With Love-


  1. Sounds like you guys has a blast. Next year, we're at home too. This year made us realize that having a baby means people get to come see us. Sorry we couldn't come visit you guys, but we'll have to get together soon. I'll even take some pictures for you :)

  2. take pictures, but make sure that you are in some too! that's where I mess up but I still have those picture memories. :)
